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LockDown Living Room Comedy Show Episode 16


In this episode of the LockDown Living Room Comedy Show, Cupid talks about how the media is jumping the gun regarding the 2020 election. Then tells you the Covid restrictions are leading to aliens.

Gavin Newsom is the Dummy of the Day.

The Boy Scouts are the target of the Dirty Laundry segment.

Cupid bets you will be begging for a vaccine like they do in the T.V. Show Utopia in the You Saw It First segment.
You'll laugh your ass off at senior dating stories in Boom Boom Confessions.
It's Jeopardy Redux in the Creep of the Week!

Cupid ends the show with a hilarious caption from the caption contest. SLOPPY JOE!

After Love on Lockdown is some of the best break dancing you will ever see to The Dearly Beloved's, This Is How We Do It cover.

Finally, we end the show with some hilarious stand up from Puppet The Psycho Dwarf regarding time.

Duration: 12mins12secs

Original Release Date: 11/22/2020

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